Friday, April 6, 2012

Shearing Day Delay

Today is shearing day! There's a giant green blob on the weather radar screen that's been hovering just 2 counties away for the last 24+ hours. Every year we battle with the threat of rain during shearing season and it appears that this year is not going to be any different.

Rain makes shearing a mess for everyone. The shearers don't like the rain because it's difficult to shear a wet animal and there's delays when driving from farm to farm on a tight schedule. Farm owners don't like the rain for shearing because it's difficult to keep the animals dry and wet fiber needs to dry out after shearing (takes forever!) before it can be stored, plus there's that added rain bonus... delays in the shearers schedule.

At 10:30 last night I got a call from the shearing scheduler to tell me there's been a delay... SURPRISE! Apparently there's a farm that the shearers didn't get to yesterday because of washed out roads and yep, you guessed it....rain.

To all the wonderful people that I told to show up between 8:30 & 9... We've declared a 2 hour delay for shearing day. The weather prediction has changed again.  Now the rain threat is gone for our county so my breathing is back to normal and we'll begin shearing some time around 11am if the shearers don't run into any more delays on their way here.

The good news is that the pulled pork slow cooked all night and even though it's not even 7am I'm ready to eat it. My house smells like dinner. As soon as shearing is done we'll wash up and eat!

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