Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Goodbye 2011 Paperwork!!!

I admit it... I hate doing taxes! I procrastinate, stall, stammer, and whine the entire time I am organizing the bookwork for the year ends tax preperation. By organizing I mean finally entering all receipts I've jammed into a basket for the last 12 months, plus the remaining receipts crushed in the bottom of my purse, the ones I can find in the car, and the pile of invoices littering my desk. OMG! I'm most definitely NOT cut out for book work. My brain just doesn't work that way.

As an incentive to hurry up and finish my taxes I purchased 8 lbs of cormo lamb fleece to play with. It arrived squashed in a sealed box and sat unopened next to my desk. It screamed at me, "Hurry up, Dawn! Finish those taxes and dye me 12 different colors!" In frustration at being stuck at the computer imputting every wrinkled up receipt I could find I yelled back at the box, "Shut up, I'm hurrying as fast as I can!".

I have never been one to take medications or drugs of any kind but I imagine my addiction to fiber is bad enough to need some sort of therapy. Between shearing day (I hid all that fleece in the fiber studio) and tax preparation, I had gone 2 whole days without spinning. That's severe punishment for someone like me. The withdrawls were causing me more stress than the taxes. Enough! I decided to card up ONE batt to spin just to ease my pain. I've named that yarn "THE MOODY BLUES". It turned out gorgeous and while it was on the back porch drying the next morning I went back to work on that declining pile of receipts.

Just hours away from finishing the taxes I was feeling the withdrawls again. Next thing I know I had a knife in my hand and the box of cormo lamb fleece had exploded into a white fluffy cloud of awesomeness. Taxes were on the back burner and the dye pot was on the front burner. "Just two colors", I told myself. Then I'll get back to the taxes. Next thing I know it's midnight and I felt like I'd just eaten a Thanksgiving Day feast... satisfied, happy, and ready for a nap. I had cormo and finn in several colors drying on racks in the living room and I'd just finished corespinning another skein of yarn.

I woke up this morning and finally finished the taxes! I hit the print button while doing the Happy Dance. I practically ran to the car, drove to the book keeper's office, and handed over the paperwork saying, "Goodbye 2011 paperwork!"

Now I'm off to play with fiber. The dye pots are fired up. There's cormo being skirted, finn in the wash buckets, and there's 1/2 a bobbin of corespun on the wheel. Life is normal again...

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